Posted: Sun Feb 20, 05 9:42 am Post subject: The Dear Leader, The Great Leader and...
Radio 4 Monday 11:00 The Dear Leader, The Great Leader and...
... the Tour Leader
1/2. PyongYang Express
North Korea was labelled by Washington as one of the world's "rogue states". Its image is one of gulags, famine, out-dated Stalinism and a megalomaniac cult of its leadership. But what about the people who live under such a regime?
In this series, Tony Pletts goes on a bizarre holiday in what is usually counted as one of the most isolated, mysterious and paranoid nations.
His guide is Nicholas Bonner, a landscape architect from Cheshire who has become North Korea's leading tour operator, and who for over a decade has been charming both the steely authorities of Pyongyang and his adventure hungry customers.