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Posted: Wed Jun 15, 05 9:15 pm Post subject: Points raised? |
Hi Culpepper,thank you for wanting to know about what I can grow in my plastic containers. YES,we do have to supplement some of our veg,which we buy from ASDA,because what I do is to let all my crops stay in their containers until I pick what crop I've grown till the last. Otherwise people would not know what I can grow and how if there was nothing for them to look at,like my potatoes are now,as I have some with green leaves and some that are dying,and some that are dead,and some I have already resown again with another lot of bits of potato,plus the old roots of my new cropped potatoes still in them,to act like a miniature decomposing system. So when you see my crop pallet section on my plot,some have seedlings in,some have crops ready to harvest,and some look like they are dying or dead,or have gone to seed. This I do all the year round to prove my system works. Which I've done for a number of years now without adding any extra food supplement to my compost I started of with.
At the moment people want to see how many different crops I can grow in my containers. To which I say give me a seed,if it germinates I can put it into one of my container. Whilst I can't say how big I've grown things yet,I can say how many have grown in my containers,for example from 1 large onion to 10 small spring onions in a bottomless clear 2 litre bottle,or 5 large onions to 10 small onions in a 4-6 pint cut plastic milk container. This I've done with lots of my sown stuff to see what happens,as there is no book written yet on the way I do things,because I can grow more things all the year round. How,because my system can all be moved from one place to another without the crops dying,either because it's to hot or cold or because they need water.
I hope this answers your question in away,even though I know I did not say what was the largest thing I've grown. But to me it really does not matter what size something is,because it usually ends up much smaller so it can go into our mouths when we are talking about food. Thank you for pointing out my spelling mistake,which I've put right. If you or others want to know more in a positive way I will take the time to reply,to others who think I'm wasting my time on this earth I won't, even though they know I'm trying to help save live and reduce some of our waste going into landfill sites in the UK and in the rest of the world for free. John. JRP. |
Joined: 16 Dec 2004 Posts: 638 Location: Kent
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 05 11:09 pm Post subject: Answers? |
Hi Culpepper again, YES, I could grow a marrow or a pumpkin if I add a lot of water to my container,which would be I suppose grown in one of my larger bottomless water containers that they use in a office.
But the main point of my project is to grow things using a small amount of water,which my water recycling system allows me to do,by simply controling what ever water there is to feed the top container first with the crop seed in,to then let any water it does not need drip into another container to be re-used again,simply done by undoing or doing up the cap at the bottom of each upside down container.
Right now I've got 130 tomatoes plants growing in my system set out on my plot on the bottom area of 3 of my pallet sections,why? because so many seeds germinated,even though 10 plants would have been plenty. But if something wants to grow when I sow them I will put them into one of my many containers no matter what it is or how many there are. most gardeners I know in the UK for example go to a nursary and buy young grops already to grow on their allotment plots,and then use a water hose on them as if they were putting out a big fire. My way I only re-use what rain water there is in my many plastic containers,otherwise there would be no point in me telling other people about my way of growing things,which I'm sure your dad would have tried out on a flat surface some where if he loved gardening. My system works for me, I can see no reason why it won't work for you. John. JRP.
Last edited by john on Thu Sep 22, 05 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 05 4:20 pm Post subject: Helping to make poverty history? |
Hi every one who knows about me,now is the time to please tell the world on my behalf that there is a system that works,which can help in the fight against world poverty. To those who think I'm wasting my time on trying to save lives and reduce waste too,you are very much in the minority,as there are far more people who do care about others,who want to do their bit to help make poverty history in some way,like Sir Bob Geldof for example he is just one person out of thousands who won't give up like me,no matter what you say,if we can save just life,it's got to be worth it.
To those who would like to know,I will be on TV again on the 6 January 2006 SKY one. It's all about the Secret Life of Suburbia made by Shine TV for SKY TV. Filmed in June this year 2005. John. JRP. |
tawny owl
Joined: 29 Apr 2005 Posts: 563 Location: Hampshire
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Posted: Mon Aug 01, 05 10:53 pm Post subject: Another month gone by? |
Hi every one who would like to know what I've been doing since I last posted. I've been showing some old folk the way I grow things with the help of AGE CONCERN on a voluntary basis,with 5 more community associations to visit in the ELTHAM LONDON area SE9,which I hope will help spread the ward about the way I re-use plastic containers and unwanted wooden pallets to grow things.
I've also been harvesting my peas,broad beans,french beans,potatoes,lettuces,and my srawberries to name a few,with still lots more crops to pick,for example 150 tomato plants in 3 section on my half plot,which are Money Maker,Ailsa Craige,and Garden delight,which are now getting plenty of water they need due to the rain we are having,which does not stop me from going onto my plot because nothing is grown in the ground.
That's why I can carry 5 rows of my containers with their crops in with me to show every one in the boot of my car,to then put them all back where they came from at the end of the day,after they have been exhibited in doors or out side to show just how much you can grow in such a small space if you want to.
By the way has any body tried my way of doing things yet? To know what you have been reading about please visit my website www.recycling.moonfruit.com ,to make photos larger please click on them. John JRP. |
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 05 11:15 pm Post subject: RE-USING FAILED M.O.T. CARS OR VANS TO HOUSE THE HOMELESS. |
May I put forward my own ideas on how I would help those who need a roof over their head,a place to live or just a dry place to sleep. Done by re-using failed M.O.T. vehicles.
Nearly every where people need a place or a base to live,whilst millions of us are OK there are lots of people who aren't young and old,who face each day in a different way compared to most of us. With this in mind may I suggest a way that I believe would help many people for next to nothing. For example for those who need a permanent base of some kind who do have a problem what ever it is,but they still get money from some where,so they get by. I believe if you become a member of anything you feel involved which gives you a reason to do things whether it's good or bad. Of course we can all turn our backs on other peoples problems,but we are the first to moan if the weather is to hot or to cold or raining,plus all the other aches and pains which we can't do anything about,but when it comes to simply giving someone a roof over their heads then we can,but we are talking about spending lots of money.
My way would cost next to nothing if used,like most things I try to get others to use,but I'm a no body. Plus there are all types of people who are paid to solve these problems every day who go home to a base with a roof on it.
What I would like is for someone to designate a area,a space for lots of cars and vans to be parked up which could be used as a base for someone to live in,with a very low electrical power supply laid on,enough to supply a light or to charge a battery,to help keep any running cost down to those who may use my idea. Whilst a traveler's site caters for caravans and vehicles which move,and they usually have toilets and water laid on,I would like the designated area to have the same thing,with CCTV and wardens to watch over those who respect what's being done for them. These people would have their own key to their vehicle base,and a must agreement signed,which will give them a post number for their base. There should be no money involved in paying for this service once in place as I'm sure it would cost more to help the homeless in any other way. Plus the fact if the area was needed,all the vehicles could be scrapped to be recycled or moved to another place.
If you think about what a car alone can offer with the engine and gearbox and exhaust and fuel tank removed you have that space for what ever,with it filled in at the bottom,leaving you with just the hand brake,to keep the vehicle in place. Also with the two front seats turned round and the steering wheel removed would give you a bigger area all round too,the boot area can be got at from the inside or out,if it's a four door car even better for vetilation with wind up and down windows,which most older cars have plus it would be better for getting in and out too. With the help of hooks and eyes curtains can be fixed up to give some privacy. The wheels can be used to have a line post tied to them through the air flow spaces. The glove box can be used,like the ash trays,hand rails can be used,the back shelf and dash board top can be used too. With one of the front seats out could use that space for some sort of cooking area with floor carpet removed of course. The front seat usually reclines enough to sleep in,the back seat can be used to sleep on,all the doors can be locked from the inside or outside. In the hot weather the 4 post line can have a sheet of some sort laid across the area to shade the car,or in wet weather. Sleeping bags would be supplied along with a fire extinguisher,water would be supplied through a simple hose system from one main tap on site,hot water could be run through the cars heating system in the same way,all the vehicles could be linked up by using the same system,with the same space as you would have in a normal car park layout. I can't think of anything else I would need to make my car livable for 1 or 2 people.
I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes,as there is no spell check on this page. JRP |
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Thu Sep 22, 05 10:12 pm Post subject: TREE TOP FARMING. |
I've just put forward my ideas on how I would use my system of growing things to start tree top farming in CANADA. As I have a e-mail friend called George who is interested in doing so, as he lives surrounded by forest with no room to grow things on the ground,because of the roots and not a lot of light getting to the lower area in-between the trees, plus the cold weather conditions are a problem too,but he is going to try my way of doing things as I grow nothing in the ground it's self,which could also help the people living in the rain forest too,where they are cutting down thousands of tree,so they can grow things to eat,and for other things too. With this in mind I'm now going to tell you what I told George as you might find it of interest to you,even though I'm sure I will be taken as a fool by those who don't like the way I re-use waste plastic containers and wood now,to be of benefit to those who might use my simple transportable system now,made for free to help feed themselves. What I said.
My decking is your platform covered completely in rows of plastic containers,even a poly tunnel system covering the crops would protect them from the snow and cold winds. I'm sure once the first platform is made up high using block and tackle,and a lot of ropes,you will then go on to link up other tree top platform areas to each other by the way of walk ways,so you can do things without coming down. What I suggest you do first is to make a small version of what your tree top farm is going to be like,simply done by finding a young tree to work on,or more to represent the way your going to have to do things on a small scale first,before trying to do it on a larger scale up high. For example either laying out your containers on a trunk area you have cut off,or extending it by laying very long length of wood down on top of your tree trunk first,which ever way you feel is safer,remembering the bigger the space the more you can grow. Making a log cabin serves a purpose made from wood,making a tree top farming system from wood will serve even a bigger purpose.
The main benefits of my system is if used,you don't have to cut down any trees,only the top part is removed,which allows the tree to keep on growing,leaving outer branches all the way round your platform to protect you from the wind,you can also use solar power,wind power if you want too,you can also save water in many ways to make your self even more selfsufficientish.
The only down side would be if there was a fire,but if we are talking about very wide tree trunks,I'm sure all would not be lost to start again. Plus you could already have a helicopter landing platform made in the same way to help in a rescue situation or for other things. Plus you would only need a sharp knife once you are set up to do things,like I do now,even re-using the same compost over and over again will give you a crop.
There's a thought a tree top allotment plot,but not in the UK. John JRP. |
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 05 9:43 pm Post subject: |
May I put forward another new idea of mine,and that is to re-use old rags or shredded fabric materials to cover the ground surface.
Whilst I've been talking to a lot of people about the re-use of my waste transportable water recycling system. I'm about to start my own trials on covering my seeds in my containers with old clean rags to see if I can save even more water than I already do now to grow my crops in the UK.
I'm sure it will work like all my other ideas do,because it will act like bark chippings,compost,or black screen material to stop the weeds,and to protect the roots,even though where it does come in contact with the damp surface it will absorb some water,but water finds it's own level,so if the lower part is dryer in my containers it will draw down what water is in the fabric material. So when it rains water fulls into the materials which will absorb it until it can't hold no more,for then to drip into my lower compost section to help feed my crop,it will also help if my top area of my compost is dry from being blown about in strong winds,even though I always leave about a inch so I can put another upside down clear bottomless bottle inside it.
To make my fabric material look more like some sort of compost,or manure,I'm going to soak it in brown muddy water first.
If my material covering idea works OK, I can see allotment plots all over the world looking like as if some one has just dug over the surface with or without any crops already growing in it all the year round.
If the fabric materials were dug into the soil,I can see it being much more easier for those who have heavy soil to dig over,which I don't have a problem with as I grow nothing in the ground it's self. Of course if there is a problem with re-using old rag materials I'm sure some one will tell me before I start my trials next year,or next week,it will all depends on what type of old clothes I've got to throw away. May I wish you all a Merry Christmas and I hope a Happy New Year 2006 too. John JRP.
Message from J.R.P. Recycling, please visit my website www.recycling.moonfruit.com as it was
designed by me to help to save millions of lives
and to reuse-recycle millions of tonnes of waste
plastic container,and unwanted wooden pallets
Last edited by john on Tue Dec 20, 05 11:37 pm; edited 2 times in total |
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