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Ever tried Fishing with your Hands ?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

allegedly ,


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A person without scruples would go for a walk by a trout stream in the evening with some small pegs in his pocket with a baited hook and line and knock the pegs in and drop the worms into likely spots.
The following morning he would go for another walk and collect his booty and would be home before you could say Jack Robinson enjoying a nice grilled trout or even an eel for breakfast !

I had a bit of a hammering from one or two on one site when I told them about me using the perfectly legal method of using long nets on the beach to catch bass, mullet and eh hem ! cough cough !
I'll be at it again this winter when the holiday makers have departed and as long as people don't mind too much , I would be quite happy to give a running commentary of how to do it and what I catch along with some nice photographs.



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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

bodger wrote:
A person without scruples would go for a walk by a trout stream in the evening with some small pegs in his pocket with a baited hook and line and knock the pegs in and drop the worms into likely spots.
The following morning he would go for another walk and collect his booty and would be home before you could say Jack Robinson enjoying a nice grilled trout or even an eel for breakfast !

I had a bit of a hammering from one or two on one site when I told them about me using the perfectly legal method of using long nets on the beach to catch bass, mullet and eh hem ! cough cough !
I'll be at it again this winter when the holiday makers have departed and as long as people don't mind too much , I would be quite happy to give a running commentary of how to do it and what I catch along with some nice photographs.


Re tickling

v) No person shall take or attempt to take or kill any salmon,
trout, freshwater fish or eels by any of the following methods,
that is to say, by tickling or groping the fish or by removing the
water from any river, lake or pond by ladling, baling, draining
or pumping.

Feel free to talk about long nets on the beach if you so desire


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jack hargreaves has a lot to answer for
we need to preserve these skills
they will go until the "wheel"is reinvented
and legal is not the same as ethical
and i only hunt or forage ethically (alledgedly)
legal hunting laws are designed to enforce the enclosure acts and dont apply to old men (alledgedly )
respect for the world ,respect for dinner ,by any(kind) means sustainable .


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 1:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You and me both bodger i lay longlines ( long lenths line with hook on smaller lines at right angles six feet apart with a bait on) .. tide covers them and i pick the cod / whiting of them at low tide .also lay legal long / trammel nets all beach net fishing is legal unless there are by laws restricting it , but you can only do it below the low water line at the mean tide , i shoot longlines from my strikeliner and herring nets now as i managed to get some from one the old boys retiring. no fishing is illegal unless stated by law , you can take fish from the sea for your own consumption without licences other than fish which come under a specific licencing like salmon ....defra answer to my request on aquiring my nets
as with all local laws check with your governing bodies first

oh and there is still in place APPARANTLY a common law that states a man may take food from the land or sea which is made to sustain him in a manner made legal on that day by the crown officers


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 1:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

maybe everyone would be happy with a "rod"licence that included by bow or hand or splash net (dam and poison is not sustainable round here ),but still stating season and size .
sometimes my licence would not cover the best way to get dinner and i resent that .
what is the legal thing about fixed multi hook lines ,fixed at low tide and collected next tide ?


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 1:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bernie66 wrote:


Re tickling

v) No person shall take or attempt to take or kill any salmon,
trout, freshwater fish or eels by any of the following methods,
that is to say, by tickling or groping the fish or by removing the
water from any river, lake or pond by ladling, baling, draining
or pumping.

Thats tickled me Bernie. Part of the fun in doing it is that you shouldn't be .

The beach nets are only 30 to 50 yards long and whilst you can get big catches, the most I had in a setting was six. Its great to get out on the beach before its light early in the morning and all that tosh, never knowing what you're going to catch. I'll enjoy recounting this Autumn and winters exploits !


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 2:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well commonsence says that you dont put them where folks swim etc . but i have never had any trouble with any laws doing my longlines on the beach .it was and is a long established practice on the river humber where i did my homework and i have had the same result on my beaches down here in suffolk no trouble from my buddies in the coast guard when i give them a free feed if you check with defra as i did then they didnt say i needed any permits ecxept in the case of local bylaws and didnt sell the fish i caught


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 2:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

and i think bodger that unscrupulous chap may even sink a fyke net under a road bridge on a night time wearing waders and come back the next night to remove the eels and other goodies he may find


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have to put a name and telephone number on my floating marker, there are mesh size regs and there are areas that are prohibited. These are obviously areas around estruaries and the such.

Inspite of this, I still catch sea trout and salmon which by law and under the threat of a humungus fine and castration in the local papers I'm forced to throw back even though they are dead.

I love eels ,where I live seems to be one of the few places where there isn't a shortage.


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 2:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

might be worth applying for a licence to fish for the mate ,,fkye nets are easy to set and look after . the water authority give you tags for your nets


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 2:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A few years ago I went to a friends place where they'd dug a small pond about 30 yards from a stream.It had only been in existance for two or three years. I put 6 hooks in over night and had 5 eels.
I've even caught them with the same method in ditches.

d pack
I'm sorry , I've only just noticed your question about th legality of longlines on beaches. Thats perfectly legal and at times very productive.
One November in the late 70s I treated myself to a holiday in Penzance. I went on the train with my beachcasters etc and when I got there the weather was so bad that I couldn't fish.
For any of you who know the area I set a baited longline on Green Beach . I caught 17 fish on a line containing 21 hooks . Not bad eh? and the catches stayed at that sort of level all week.

As a matter of interest I stayed at a guest house called the Tarburt and I shared the residence with a then young group called Sham 69. The members of the group came down to the beach to see what I'd caught.


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

y'old punk
glad my night line stuff is legal cos it works


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 06 5:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mr Percy wasn't with us then and I suppose he's out of sight now

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