As far as I am aware the regs for organic honey is that the land around the hives must be of a certain radius of organic land. Ive forgotten the exact distance, but its the maximum distance a bee can travel. This is why there is no organic honey in existance in the UK as there is not an area of organic land big enough. So organic shops will generally sell organic honey from latin american countries etc, however I still think that local honey is much better, and if it is from an organic farm of course you cant be sure the bees have foraged on organic flowers, but there is a good chance that they will have.
Joined: 13 Aug 2006 Posts: 4846 Location: Cirencester
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 06 1:39 pm Post subject:
The distance is a radis of 10 miles from the hive. I was told this by our local organic farm manager when taking a tour of the farm. The lable on their honey reads "from our farm Not certified Organic". Knew that info would come in useful one day.