Naomi I have 1 question...Would you be interested in selling a Pair of those Exchequer Leghorns.Or I think that is what you called them..and I have another question do they set?..and if you are interested in selling a pair I might get a pair from you just let me know.
Hi Yes I have a pair for sale .
They lay pure white eggs, but Leghorns do not go broody and so you will need the use of an incubator to set the eggs. I have had 80% hatch rate from this strain so far this season. PM me for details of prices and my address etc .
ferg Guest
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 05 10:43 am Post subject: Re: Rare Breed Chickens for sale
Hi - am wondering about getting hold of some partridge cochins- wondered if you still had any left - could you please either email me [email protected], or pref. call me on 07793 844 942
many thanks
graham .c Guest
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 05 9:21 pm Post subject: wyandotte's
Naomi wrote:
Very young silver laced wyandotte pullet.
Naomi, What stock of wyandotte's do you currently have & what are your prices? thanks
Graham (norfolk)
I only have silver laced miniatures and only seven birds left in total male and female. I am happy to sell them for �25 for a trio, as I am not breeding as many different breeds next season and am concentrating on my large fowl.
Posted: Sat Sep 17, 05 11:23 am Post subject:
Do you sell white silkie hatching eggs ? and have any available at the moment?
No eggs available at the moment sorry .
I have two clutches of white silkie eggs being incubated by my broody hens , both due to hatch in a fortnight.
I have some silkies for sale though.
�22 for a white trio, if you want to breed your own?
Or �15 for my last pair of partridge silkies.
These birds are all under a year old.
I am in East Lincs