It is quite easy to make buckie pots, all of the ones I have seen have been home made, although it may be possible to buy them from somewhere. Start with a 25 litre plastic bucket or drum, if using drums first cut off the tops to make them into buckets. About 100mm of concrete in the bottom of each bucket with a wire loop set into the concrete to tie the bait bag to. Drill small holes (4 or 5mm) around the circumference at the top of the bucket and make a net cover with an eye about 75 - 100mm diameter in the middle. You can buy plastic eyes, or make your own from wire. Tie a bait bag in the middle of the pot from the concrete up to the net. Drill plenty of 20mm holes all over the plastic to help spread the scent of the bait out into the sea. Fix a rope longer than the depth of the sea where you intend to fish and tie a float on the top. Good luck!