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Joined: 13 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 21 3:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mistress Rose wrote:
Hope you get everything sorted out Tahir and it is just 'teething troubles'. What annoys me, in addition to the trouble I know people like you are having, is that I keep getting information about exporting 'tailored to our business', which says we 'may need' certain things, if a. we exported, or b. we were in a different part of the business. We have always avoided export as the things most people want are wood and there have always been barriers for that especially 'bark on', which applies to our besom brooms. We have had several enquiries from the US as they can't get British type besoms easily.

Btw, does anyone know if there is a world shortage of dried fruit at the moment, is there a problem importing, or has Mr. Sainsbury not been paying his bills?

It won't be bill issues so much as a logistics issue. It might very well have become unrealistic to import as the market is unlikely to accept the cost level. Expect to see vastly reduced variety in supermarkets. Transport has shot up hideously in price and a lot of companies are not wanting to ship into the UK at all.

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 21 8:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Son found both a Grapetree and another shop that does no/minimal packaging that has opened in his town had the dried fruit I wanted, so got me some. Shopping seems to have become more creative again, just as it did during rationing. Will we be reduced to rationing, or are this lot just going to assume the shops will do it? As I already buy as much British and local as I can, I am probably less affected than a lot of people. The people in Northern Island seem to be having a lot of trouble poor things.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 21 11:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am about to post an eBay sale of a used bike bit...large letter size. To Belfast.
I hope this doesn't get "interesting"


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 21 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wonder if anyone's done an analysis of this deal vs the last deal May proposed? All that wasted time and still a dogs dinner.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 21 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mistress Rose wrote:
Son found both a Grapetree and another shop that does no/minimal packaging that has opened in his town had the dried fruit I wanted, so got me some. Shopping seems to have become more creative again, just as it did during rationing. Will we be reduced to rationing, or are this lot just going to assume the shops will do it? As I already buy as much British and local as I can, I am probably less affected than a lot of people. The people in Northern Island seem to be having a lot of trouble poor things.

Shops have already been limiting sales of certain items to two or three...rationing is only a short step...


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 21 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

tahir wrote:
Wonder if anyone's done an analysis of this deal vs the last deal May proposed? All that wasted time and still a dogs dinner.

my dog eats better than i do


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 21 7:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote



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PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 21 8:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dreadful, my chums in Mallaig have similar issues as do their colleagues in other types of fish trades to the mainland, bulk of one type to a central wholesale market is difficult but a couple of mixed boxes a day to many restaurants is impossible

how are your materials and goods fairing, last you mentioned 5 days had become a month for stuff from italy?

i have not even checked about antiques and collectables, a few places always had a few "paperwork/tax issues" but the EU was easy and a good market for loads of stuff

if a £50 toy car or radio now needs loads of forms and taxes it will not be worth the bother, high value stuff might well be worthwhile but far more complex.

much like other places with sanctions to trade there will be a strong motive to smuggle stuff, the shetland bus company did a pretty good job with arms and officers to scandinavia in ww2 but those sort of risks would be too high for a box of squid or prawns at a price the customer would pay

re fish i wonder how many brexit voters like squid or know a sole from a dab rather than like fishfingers or a battered EU cod:roll:

brexit and covid are a perfect storm, one was avoidable the other could have been planned for and competently managed.

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 21 8:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sadly it seems that any requirements for exporting (or anything else) are taken by our people and gold plated to make them even more complicated. If I have any interaction with a government department, such as for a felling licence or grant for work in the woods, I need 3 numbers even before I start on the forms. In the past, I just contacted the Forestry Commission and they sorted everything out, and paid out more promptly. Trying to get any money (and often any sense) out of the Rural Payments Agency is like getting blood out of a stone. I am sure btw that individual employees do their best.

I can see why the fishermen may well take their catch to a European port. No hassle, no forms, just land and sell. Sad for exporters like Samways.


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 21 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fortunately the next thing i want to sell on is a document of historic interest*, those most interested are most likely to be UK based and i have a dealer in mind for it so export is unlikely to be a problem
ps a "letter" would be an easy thing to transport:lol:

i do not mind a 50/50 split, but i will start high
it cost me nowt and is probably in the £500 range retail, everyone needs to earn a living

*just for fun and information the X craft mini subs were made in huddersfield, behind tarps that hid part of the works and "smuggled out" to the sea wrapped up in tarp on low loader trucks, the parts were often "in public" but put them together was deep deep black.

when complete and in transit they still looked like a mini sub, but unless you were able(no effective axis overfly recon by then) and knew to look properly would have seemed like a strange fish shaped thing on a truck

offers accepted if that is your sort of thing first chance here


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 21 11:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just had a delivery from Turkey earlier than expected, driver said it was busier than normal at Dover but not terrible. Looks like the main impact is on trade with the EU


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 21 12:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

glad some incoming is working

i just shelled out for assorted imported consumables that are in country and a couple of tool things, the 10 tweezer set for a tenner seemed wise, mine are missing or knackered

the kanetsune thread scissors( £35 gulp)were the last ones in the uk
ace forge master, "domestic items" are only part of his output, but they are top quality

good scissors are ace, i have some victorian sheffield ones, about 2.5 inch for cloth work/sewing stuff
the cheap stainless stuff is carp, even fiskars(oh forrin, oh dear)stuff is ok for a while but is not made to be fettled for ever

as i have gone small thing restorer rather than house restorer the tiny tools matter, i dread to think about getting house size stuff at a decent quality and price

as a slight aside, do your skilled folk use top end hand tools as a personal item? shears, scissors etc
i can sort of see a gap in the market for that stuff as the uk does not make most of such things any more if i could source and deliver them


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 21 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

UK factories? Pretty much all the factories that used to work for us now make for the bottom end, scum like BooHoo mainly. So I doubt very much that they're using top quality tools


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 21 12:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


saville row kit

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 21 4:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Glad you got one delivery through easily Tahir. I wonder if after this pandemic and the pushing of second hand/preloved to minimise the impact on the environment as well as the problems getting stuff in, there might be a swing to better quality. Some clothes made by me and my mother, good home made quality, are still going strong after 50 years.

Dpack, there is always interest in old woodworking tools, things like bill hooks and other similar sort of things. If we can we always get Elwells as they are good quality and although pretty old, work beautifully. Not sure you would get the sort of mark up you would like as most woodland and craftsmen don't earn much, but if you got them for free or virtually nothing, might be worth while.

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