Certainly one error in that report. If you get a waste transfer certificate from the person taking the rubbish with their/co. name, waste transfer licence number and registration number of the vehicle, you cannot be prosecuted as you believed them to be legitimate and did all you could to check they were. They then also become guilty of fraud. Still best to check up before having waste dumped that they have a proper licence, even if it is the name of their pet goldfish.
Locally, our local authority clears up fly tipping as soon as possible as they believe that if they don't more will get added to the pile. Must say they are pretty good, but other local authorities round here aren't sadly. Comes down to lack of money I would suggest.
Our sewage company (our water is supplied by another company) got a massive fine just before the law was eased for polluting the sea off several places on the south coast. Suppose they can get away with it now. Deregulation does seem to be to the detriment of all.
Joined: 23 Jan 2009 Posts: 8983 Location: Ayrshire, Scotland
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 21 8:51 pm Post subject:
We went on a walk near Catrine by the river Ayr....
One of a few pipes. Foam in the river and...where the pipes came from?
ps , i had a south west water hissyfit a while back, the wetsuit sas(not the troopers) used the data, i played tourist to the media but a delivery of the "offence" to the boardroom denizens would have been more fun
When we were narrow boating for our holidays, we could tell when we were near a sewage discharge because there was a 'sweet' smell. Think it was as fully treated as possible, but still must have been putting something into the water. Not sure what they smell like these days.