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Joined: 05 Jul 2005
Posts: 71
Location: Milton Keynes
PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 05 7:14 pm    Post subject: metaefficient.com Reply with quote

I saw this website and I thought of you!!


Just wanted to make everyone aware of it.




Joined: 15 Jan 2005
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Location: South Kent
PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 05 9:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A really interesting website, "metaefficient", trying to showcase the most efficient products techniques and ideas. (Presumably using meta to mean beyond.)
(Someone's got to put in some keywords, otherwise the thread (and link) wouldn't be found so easily using the seach function)

I'm intrigued by the idea of taking advantage of the better insulation and the top 'door' of a chest freezer to make a super-efficient fridge... simply by using a thermostat (set to fridge temperature 4-6C) to switch the supply of external power.
Hmm, now, what about using a central heating "electronic" room thermostat?
I note that the original concept removed the sensor from the pcb and extended it with wire into the (freezer)fridge. However some room stats have optional remote sensors...
And that since we want to turn it *on* when its too *hot*, one is looking for a stat with either a "cooling" setting, or a changeover relay.
I wonder how the hysterisis (don't know a better term) of a room stat compares to a fridge controller... I'm thinking of something like, setting at 5, the power being switched on only once it has risen to 6, and shutting off when it has cooled to 4C... Does anyone know how "tight" the control is on a standard sort of room stat... (and a calibration facility would be a very good thing indeed).

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