Posted: Wed Dec 01, 04 2:44 pm Post subject: 1p and 2p
I read in the paper today that 25% of the population discard their small change (ie coppers), and that a high percentage would like to see the 1p and 2p disappear all together. Lots of people apparently just leave their change lying around without using it.
I save my 1p, 2p and 5p in a pot, then change them up at the post office.
Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves
Many a mickle maks a muckle
jema Downsizer Moderator
Joined: 28 Oct 2004 Posts: 28254 Location: escaped from Swindon
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 04 2:48 pm Post subject: Re: 1p and 2p
Sarah D wrote:
I read in the paper today that 25% of the population discard their small change (ie coppers), and that a high percentage would like to see the 1p and 2p disappear all together. Lots of people apparently just leave their change lying around without using it.
I save my 1p, 2p and 5p in a pot, then change them up at the post office.
Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves
Many a mickle maks a muckle
We have the penny jar, thought most poeple did.
sean Downsizer Moderator
Joined: 28 Oct 2004 Posts: 42220 Location: North Devon
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 04 2:48 pm Post subject:
I usually put them into the charity box on the counter. Or give them to Benjamin, who currently regards the number of coins as more important than their denomination.
At work we have a dog for Guide Dogs for the Blind, we keep it next to the kettle and it's quite well fed with change from biscuit and milk sorties.
Must admit though that we have a yoghurt tub at home full of pennies and tuppences and the odd bigger one. I assume you have to bag them up for the PO?
We have taken them to the dodgy machine in Sainsbury but they charge a fair percentage for the pleasure - and you have to spend it in Sainsbury
Apparently not - some just throw it away
The article featured one bloke who has been saving up his coppers for years and has over 400.00 worth, just sitting there as I don't think he can be bothered to do anything with them. I'll gladly take them off his hands.
We were given a great big jar of small change and foreign coins by a friend who was moving house and couldn't be bothered to sort them out. We spent the afternoon doing it, sorted out the really interesting foreign money (lira, francs, dollars plus some mor exotic sounding ones), parcelled it up for Oxfam, bagged up the British currency and came out with over 12.00 to share between us.
Joined: 08 Nov 2004 Posts: 15051 Location: East Midlands
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 04 4:48 pm Post subject:
I suppose in a way we do leave our change lying around - in a big basket by the key place. We both empty all our change into the basket and pick it up on the way out for car parks and things. Every so often we empty out the lot and count it up and change it (usually before a holiday or something) because it's all kinds of coins there is usually 200 - 400 quid in there (although we do generally fish out the pound coins).
I have used the sainsbury machine, but I think they charge about 15 percent (it may go to charity though) last time we went they gave us cash, but looks likes it changed (no pun intended!) I'll have to check in sainsburys here.
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 04 5:13 pm Post subject:
Behemoth wrote:
1p is the difference between having a pint and having a half. They are important!
Not wanting to add to an out-moded stereotype, but the only people I ever hear saying that are Yorkshire men.