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renewal success

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Joined: 20 Sep 2007
Posts: 226

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 13 4:34 pm    Post subject: renewal success Reply with quote

This is just to give people, like me, who aren't any good at haggling a bit of encouragement when it comes to renewals.

Last year I questioned the renewals for my car insurance and my breakdown cover. I'm not a natural at this sort of thing but i did get money off both but in each case I accepted the first figure they gave me - I blinked first!!

This year I've decided I'm going to be a bit more pushy - what the worst that can happen? I have to cancel and have the faff of starting again with someone new?

Just done my breakdown cover - didn't accept the first figure they offered, just said I couldn't renew at that price, I quoted the competition's prices, and they dropped it again to the price they are quoting new starters, saving �100 (have all the figures in front of you so they know that you know what you're talking about). All very civilised and polite.

Car and house insurance coming up soon so I'm going to try and not be such a push over with them as well. The one I really want to tackle is the phone/internet - but there's so many options & upgrades etc that I get confused, but I am toughening up!

Anyway, just have a go at your next renewal.

Off to have 229 of my 500 calories



Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 13 7:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My car insurers quoted me about �300 more to insure me this year until I went on the comparison sites and found they were actually the cheapest option on a brand new policy so I rang them up and complained and they dropped it

Follow the moneysavingexpert.com guide and you should find you get loads off



Joined: 17 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 13 7:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well done you Gillyflower - I would have had the whole 500 calories to celebrate. Seriously tho it would good to get one over the telephone/utility/broad band companies, what I find annoying is that you have to sign into a contract for a certain amount of time and be charged a fee if you want to leave. Keep us posted of your successes.


Joined: 27 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 13 10:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I rang my car insurer to tell them I needed to add business use to my policy They tried to charge me over �100 extra.

I managed to haggle and halved it.


Joined: 02 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 13 10:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lorrayne wrote:
Well done you Gillyflower - I would have had the whole 500 calories to celebrate. Seriously tho it would good to get one over the telephone/utility/broad band companies, what I find annoying is that you have to sign into a contract for a certain amount of time and be charged a fee if you want to leave. Keep us posted of your successes.

You want it cheaper but don't want to commit in return? Will you complain when call centres are moved abroad, or service levels drop? Who's fault will that be?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 13 10:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

joanne wrote:

Follow the moneysavingexpert.com guide and you should find you get loads off


moneysavingexpert wrote:

So, reduced premiums if you agree to a sex change within 12 months?

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