Posted: Wed Aug 20, 14 6:06 pm Post subject: sex my wyandotte pls
so a while ago I made a post in which I expressed my disappointment that our sole Wyandotte, Daphne, was in fact obviously a cock. Here he/she is as at today:
dwarfing our welsummers......
20140820_184935 by [url=
But now that the chooks have started laying we've noticed that someone is laying something rather different to a welsummer egg. spot the odd one out....
Is it possible that Daphne is a hen? She looks exactly like every photo I can find of a wyandotte cock and I'm struggling to envisage those eggs being welsummer eggs? Chickens are confusing.
Nicky cigreen
Joined: 25 Jun 2007 Posts: 9891 Location: Devon, uk