i have dipped my warm flannel in curry sauce and regretted it etc
what did the whale say to its pals?
"you know that old myth about the chap who kept shouting "i'm jonah, save me" it might be true. i had a very odd and embarrassing moment while i was having lunch.....etc"
Not so nice for the man though. Glad both man and whale survived the encounter relatively unscathed.
Jam Lady
Joined: 28 Dec 2006 Posts: 2587 Location: New Jersey, USA
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 21 1:38 am Post subject:
As I turned into the driveway as were were coming home this morning a black vulture flew up from the ground and perched on a low branch.
I thought "Aha!" to myself and walked over. As I suspected, dragon arum, Dracunculus vulgaris, was in prefect bloom.
It is pollinated by flies, hence has the stench of rotting meat to attract them. Neighbors dogs ignore it, and I have not previously seen any vulture investigating it.
Got my pictures, and as I started the car to continue up the driveway Himself quietly mentioned that he was glad I had not planted it near the house.
Spectacular looking plant, but agree; you wouldn't want it near the house. Interesting the vulture was round it. I suspect the local dogs prefer fresh meat
Joined: 27 Jul 2009 Posts: 7380 Location: Just south of north.
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 21 7:20 am Post subject:
How very, finding Nemo, DPack.
I suspect he's now got a tale to tell his grandkids that not many people have.