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Mistress Rose
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Mistress Rose
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Posted: Mon Jul 26, 21 6:13 pm Post subject: |
they are glass tubes, maybe 20mm long and depending on how much they are supposed to slurp by surface tension of different diameters, the smallest can be almost as thin as a human hair
lose the sample kit while "uncorking" the stuff is easy to do snap the tube in your fingers is not too difficult
i do not like unexpected stinks, flashes or bangs
re that, picture the scene, BA, full acid suit, organic stuff in 105 oleum at 2 degrees C
this has not been tried before
start adding NAPS
keep temp under 3 degrees C(it usually leads to a longer life)
if it fumes, run
if it starts getting hot, run
if it goes bang, hope most of it went through the sacrificial lid to the fume chamber and not through the window into the lab
playing with torches and hot metal is fairly predictable
the map+ is for smallish non ferrous metal work and assorted "soldering", nearly all of that is fairly safe if you don't eat flux or pick up hot things, the backyard gold refining alchemy might have a few h and s issues but hey ho  |
Mistress Rose
Joined: 21 Jul 2011 Posts: 16200
Joined: 23 Jan 2009 Posts: 9015 Location: Ayrshire, Scotland
Mistress Rose
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Joined: 02 Jul 2005 Posts: 43750 Location: yes
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 21 5:01 am Post subject: |
pipe arrived, it seems well-made(it should be for that price )and the fitting to the torch went on nicely(as well as high pressure stuff)
today i will try popping the other end on a cylinder and fire it up
they call it mapp, but the actual fuel mix has changed a few times, for various reasons, the main fuel component with this brand of cans is propylene and propane with a few odds and ends for safety and performance, made for the torch, so it should work.
maybe i am odd for a bloke in that i read the instructions and try to understand the processes involved and eyeball the thing carefully for faults before i try it, try first time for real when the result matters seems very bold and unwise.
if plumbers can use them without too many insurance claims and inquests and i follow the instructions this thing should be ok.
in many ways it is much safer than the "DIY" type butane torches and compared to a petrol blowlamp
i had the family one of those blowing from nozzle and filling hole when i was sweating a wiped lead joint in the back of a kitchen unit, interesting, i did get it outside and chucked it a safe distance to do its thing, it did not bang, but it was rather blazey
having quite a bit of practice at reading never as a place to start i am quite cautious with fuels
my punk party pyrotechnics are legendary in some places and involve a lot of "never" with any of the variety of things available at a punk party,
traffic cone high jump is a good game
it would be a fun one for the olympics, a bit of brain, plenty of coordination and if needs be a sudden short sprint and dive
it is a competitive duet, each is the other one's assistant and safety officer, highest cone wins
that i one reason i am careful with fuel air potential |
Mistress Rose
Joined: 21 Jul 2011 Posts: 16200
Joined: 02 Jul 2005 Posts: 43750 Location: yes
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