Joined: 16 Dec 2004 Posts: 22790 Location: Montgomeryshire
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 05 1:56 pm Post subject:
Oh no! Too much choice! I like the sound of the crumble and the kedgeree. I'll have to present himself with a list of options when he comes back home - then he can make it LOL.
I've only had a go at fishcakes once and they just sort of fell apart, where did I go wrong?
sean Downsizer Moderator
Joined: 28 Oct 2004 Posts: 42223 Location: North Devon
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 05 2:01 pm Post subject:
Dunno, but they need to be quite dry - flour them if you can't be bothered to do the egg and breadcrumb bit - and you nedd to fry them quite gently. You're warming them up really, all the ingredients are already cooked.
I was going to say the mixture wasn't moist enough! I use half an egg, beaten with the potato, fish etc to bind it well; then chill in the fridge for a couple of hours, egg and crumb, then chill again until firm. Fry gently. Works for me.
Joined: 28 Oct 2004 Posts: 42223 Location: North Devon
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 05 2:08 pm Post subject:
I like my mash quite sloppy, so fishcake mixture needs to be drier than that. I think letting them firm up, and frying gently are the key bits.
Spring onions are good, and chopped hard-boiled eggs, and......
You could put some fine herbs or spices in the crumb mix as well, or instead of the potato mixture.
alison Downsizer Moderator
Joined: 29 Oct 2004 Posts: 12918 Location: North Devon
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 05 9:14 pm Post subject:
If you want a dish with a difference then make a quiche with leftover rice instead of pastry, as the base in a tin. It makes a nice crust when the egg mixture binds it up.