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glaweigen carp!!!!!

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fish (the other one)

Joined: 24 Dec 2006
Posts: 319

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 07 10:12 am    Post subject: glaweigen carp!!!!! Reply with quote

yesterday evening i went to nunney pond,its en-route to the inlaws so mrs fish dropped me off there on her way.i told her there was no rush back as i was hoping for a bit of fishing in the dark as i had just baught some nightlightes and bells from lidles.it was a nice evening and i set up the two rods,one on a feeder baited with lob worms and my own made groundbait mix in the feeder.the other rod was equiped with a float and again baited with lob.
I settled down to a tackle box tidy-up,youd be supprised atthe mess a box can get in! anyhow i wallked over to the bin and when i was there the float rod made contact and line was stripped ! by the time i got to it there was no fish! what ever it was it had stripped 30yds of line and taken the chubber float deep into the weeds.
Disapointed and angry with myself i rebaited and cast to the same spot,things were quiet all evening with only a few small skimmers.
One thing for sure though i cirtainly wasnt lonely,there were a million pairs of eyes watching my efforts! the birdlife was in chorus,and the resident mistle thrush was in full song,here and there was the chirp of blackbirds as something annoyed them,possibly an early mink or a farm cat on its rounds.there wasnt a hatch of aquatic bugs but the bats were wizzing arround like pilots on starbucks!
As the sun sank beneath the horizon ,far beyond the distant glastonbury tor,darkness cloaked the pond and as the tempurature dropped a hint of mist formed,in any other setting itv been a bit spooky! the silence was warming in its self though,just the sound of distant farm machinery,cutting the meadow for silage,whilst another dinner dried in the oven.
Suddenly the peace was broken! my family had arrived,and the chaos of the kids stories of what the evening had held for them ensued,all vying for a spot on dads knee! well once the chaos had calmed and biscuits were eagerly munched i could return to a bit of fishing.as i re baited my float rod there was a crash and splash,my first thaught was that one of the kids had tripped over the ledger rod,i soon realised my rod was in the water and the rod,sat on the surface,was being towed across the pond!!
not helped by mrs fishes screaches of laughter,i reeled by other rod in and cast over the rod as it made its way accross the pond! finally i hooked the rod and the battle commenced! here i was reeling in a rod with a 2lb bottom,and on the end of that was a very strong fish! i was immagining that it was one of the cats that are said to haunt the depths of the pond.well after a tense 20 minutes mrs fish had the rod in her hands and i let her play the fish.it was having none of it! as it was dark all we could hear was the splashing out at 50yds or so,every time the fish was braught in close it stayed deep and made onother steve mcqueen style dash for the horizon! after half an hour the fish was netted and on the bank! not the cat i was expecting or the 20lb mirror i was hoping,laid there on the bank in the moon light was a common carp,eyes wide and clearly exhausted! and that was just mrs fish! it was not the leviathan i was expecting but a 5lb er!!!!!!! being that small with all that strength and attitude for a fight i commented to mrs fish that it was a bit like a 5 foot ginger glasweigen! the kids were inawe of the fish and insisted on helping put the carp back,it was gently lowered into the water and with a flick of the tail it was off back into the murky depths of nunney pond ,and i was soaked!
on the way back home the car was alive with the excited chatter of the kids and how the rod splashed into the pond,an hour later i was sat infront tof the fire ,glass of gareths mead in hand musing the evenings events,maybe i will return tommorow.....................


Joined: 29 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 07 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

great story, glad you recovered the rod.

fish (the other one)

Joined: 24 Dec 2006
Posts: 319

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 07 5:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

me too its only 2 weeks old!


Joined: 02 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 07 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

if that fish is 2 weeks old
a it is big
b i looks fresh

a 5lb wrasse pulls like a medium conger
greyling are a challenge for the size as well
sounds you had a great time
i would have eaten it though

fish (the other one)

Joined: 24 Dec 2006
Posts: 319

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 07 11:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

personally i dont like carp to eat,much prefer salmonids ,grayling,or perch!


Joined: 05 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 07 11:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

we used to go fishing when I was a kid and one day on the canal I caught something I thought must be massive, either than or I was actually suck on the bottom. It turned out to be eel - what a little fighter!

we used to go carp fishing quite a bit too and I always remember getting what seemed like a great big one on and then landing it and finding it was only a few lb imagine landing a real big guy

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