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Stuffed Parathas

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Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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Location: escaped from Swindon
PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 04 8:48 am    Post subject: Stuffed Parathas Reply with quote

Saw a great programme on Indian breads last night

Actually a slightely annoying programme as it made the complaint that when the Brits eat Indian we treat the breads as a side dish and not a main but in my experience most the breads on offer are plain/spiced varieties and not the "stuffed" type which you could treat as a main. e.g. the difference in english terms between a piece of bread to mop of the egg with breakfast and a fully fledged lunchtime sandwitch.

But I digress, the program did inspire me to do some stuffed Parathas today, which is something I have surprisingly not done before. So has anyone any tips? or favourite fillings, preferably veggie.

Another thing I fouind a bit annoying about the programme was it failing to show much social context, you see the amazing skills of the bread makers, and you see home hotel workers after a night shift going for a breakfast of various vegetable stuffed breads. but I would always like to know if this is normal or a special treat? Probably since they appeared to travel a fair way from where they worked, it is normal.

Final aside, my idea of a breakfast is very much the English breakfast, full fry up, I don't go for continetal or American, but the Indian breakfast shown, delicious breads with yoghurt, do really appeal, I wonder what the range of Indian breakfasts is?



Joined: 28 Oct 2004
Posts: 45715
Location: Essex
PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 04 9:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Indian breakfasts can be:

stuffed paratha's
unstuffed parathas sprinkled with raw sugar
porage (sweet or savoury)
hard boiled eggs (with some salt to dip)
kheer (rice pudding)
chappatti with yoghurt and chutney (like my herby chutneys on the recipe resource)
misi roti (a chappatti which incorporates lentils and some kind of chopped green, usually methi (fenugreek)) smothered with butter and eaten with yoghurt
sweet scrambled eggs
savoury scrambled eggs (like my egg curry on the recipe resource)
yoghurt with honey

all with thick milky brewed in a pan tea

that's all I can think of at the mo

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