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Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 05 1:30 pm    Post subject: Ferrets Reply with quote

I see Sean said that using ferrets would be much more profitable/simpler if you wished to sell rabbits you kill.

I don't know much about ferrets and much say my instinct is to go for the "isn't that cruel and not very efficient" response. When I think about it, that's probably quite wrong, but I still know very little about it - I know a good few people who have shot things but hardly anyone familiar with ferrets.

For example, does the ferret do the killing or does it just chase the rabbit in to your net (and presumably you snap its neck?)?

How efficient is it (say as a pest control as well as for selling)?

Isn't the ferret's instinct to catch the rabbit and eat it? How do you get around that?

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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 05 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You could argue the toss on cruelty. Rabbits are terrified of ferrets, which is why they bolt. On the other hand rabbits are frightened all the time.
It's very efficient, and provided there are enough of you relative to the warren you're ferreting you should be able to kill the rabbits quickly and cleanly.
A rabbit runs a lot faster than a ferret, so the ferrets don't make the kill, unless they trap one underground, in which case you may well be in for some serious digging.
I kept ferrets through my teens and made a handy amount of pocket money. I'd be interested to know if anyone's used these new-fangled radio locators and if so how well they work.


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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 05 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ferrets are the best way of clearing out bunnies, bar none.
You need to do some work first, of course - locating all the entrances to the warren and stopping up those that look less used, then pegging the nets loosely around the remaining burrows downwind of the one where'll you're going to pop the ferret in.
Ideally you want a ferret that's not ravenously hungry - the rabbits bolt at the smell of the beast, and you don't want your ferret to be so eager that s/he actually catches a rabbit and 'lies up'. As Sean says, that's when the digging starts! I've been out with a chap who used a radio collar and it seemed to be pretty effective in giving a fix on the ferret, but he said he wasn't too keen on it and was thinking of going back to using a line instead as it gave him a better idea of what the ferret was doing underground.
When the bunnies do bolt you need to act fast - if your nets are set properly and loose enough they'll get entangled, but they'll kick and struggle like mad, making a right cat's cradle of your net.
You can also shoot them as they bolt, standing on top of the warren, though you won't get such clean carcasses and you'll risk wounding a few.


Joined: 28 Oct 2004
Posts: 10744

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 05 11:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Timberdog, I understand this is one of your interests, can you tell us any more about it?


Joined: 16 Jun 2005
Posts: 149

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 05 9:55 pm    Post subject: rabs Reply with quote

I suppose it all starts on what are your morals and were they sit with this one but i am not getting on that one as having discussed this many time it pays not to comment!!

But for what is worth i personally think it is a quick way to despatch quarry which must come first and in my opinion you could as i do use the said quarry to feed yourself or indeed the very animals you are working.

It as is as somone has already pointed out a better way to despatch quarry rarther than the gun as stated you may only wing the rabbits causing long painfull death.

Their are many factors in this one from own personell feelings and morals etc but as i said best left alone!!

I think the guys have coverd the art of Ferriting but my only point is the old stories of ferrits biting and being nasty comes from Gamekeepers of old starving ferrits prior to hunting making the ferrit more keen but this in its own right makes the ferrit nasty and leaves you to dig out a ferrit when it lies up and kills a bunny.

Also alot of people lesser ethics will not even bother to dig out the ferrit which is neglect and also leaving the ferrit to clear out and kill all bunnies in the warren and spoling game for your self and leaving the ferrit to a death itself when no bunnies left .

If a ferrit lies up yes you can buy very good tracking equipment but other methods will work :

Smoking out with use of straw etc in a sensible safe way.
banging on the rabbits hole or a tree near by to carry the sound the ferrit they will investigate and more often come to surface.
sending another ferrit down can move em

and finally spending the time to wait whilst the ferrit has its fill and a little snooze it depends how you value you ferrit as i do!!

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