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EC directive to cut emissions from inefficient products

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Joined: 01 Dec 2004
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Location: Leeds
PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 05 9:11 am    Post subject: EC directive to cut emissions from inefficient products Reply with quote


An ambitious and powerful new Directive to cut greenhouse gas emissions from inefficient household appliances and other equipment is to be signed by the EU this week.

The Eco-Design for Energy Using Products Framework Directive will set efficiency standards for everyday household items such as boilers, washing machines and computers, along with commercial equipment and component parts.

The Directive will make a substantial contribution towards the 20% savings target proposed in the Commissions recent Green Paper on energy efficiency.

Environment Minister Elliot Morley explained how the new Directive will drive down emissions of carbon dioxide by encouraging better product design and by tackling problems such as excessive energy use during 'stand by' mode.

"Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon dioxide are needlessly produced every year by computers, digital set top boxes, chargers and many other products left on stand by mode.

"We know that products can be designed to be much more efficient and do less harm to the environment. Wasted energy is a hidden cost for consumers and in this day and age that is unacceptable.

"The Government will work closely with businesses, consumers and the Commission to make this new Directive a success in bringing forward cleaner and greener products, and to drive down emissions of greenhouse gases by setting ambitious targets for manufacturers."

According to the European Commission by 2010 about 180 million tonnes of carbon dioxide - the equivalent output of around 50 power stations - could be prevented with new and energy-efficient appliances in Europe - around half of the EU's commitment under Kyoto.

As well as saving energy, the Directive aims to encourage manufacturers to produce products which are designed to minimise their overall environmental impact, including the resources consumed in their production and disposal.

European Government Ministers have agreed to set standards for products which can have the most immediate impact on climate change.

Although the focus of the Directive is on setting mandatory standards, a clear intention of the Directive is to encourage voluntary action by manufacturers to improve their products without the need for further regulatory action.

The Directive will therefore help boost innovation and trade in more sustainable products by setting out a clear forward-looking agenda for manufacturers by removing poor performing products from the market and by ensuring free trade across the 25 EU Member States.

Elliot Morley concluded: "The Directive will mean that the design of products in the years to come will be significantly improved compared to what we are buying now, providing consumers with the features they want but without the waste."

"We need manufacturers to take notice of this new Directive. The sustainable products agenda is one of growing importance and it isn't going to go away.

"Manufacturers need to think about the environmental impacts of the products they are bringing to market and consider how to eliminate them so consumers are offered more sustainable products.

"Far from being a stifling EU regulation, the new Directive is intended to work with the innovators, ensure fair competition and ultimately ensure that UK consumers get better products in the years to come.

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