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Advice wanted on rental opp.

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Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 1548
Location: MK, Bucks.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 05 11:30 pm    Post subject: Advice wanted on rental opp. Reply with quote

Odd thing has happened today.

We've received a reasonable offer on the house today. As part of deciding whether or not we are going to take it I've been having a quick search for property to buy or rent in the area we are looking at.

Anyway... a farm we had a look at on paper last time, but wrote off as a pipe dream because we couldn't have got the paperwork, offers etc. done in time.... well it obviously hasn't let as the council have it back up on their website to rent again. The house is available with the right timescale and everything (and the land to follow as it is currently let on a short contract as grass for cutting).

BUT - you have to bid for the tenancy and I do not have the first idea how to go about it.

Please could anyone out there in Downsizer land offer some advice? The timing is just too perfect for me to ignore, and the 'farm' is being let as a part-time concern (i.e. they do not believe there to be sufficient land for income and costs covered so they will expect you to be otherwise employed either outside, or under diversity using the buildings)

There are lovely outbuildings and I could base the business(es) there and DP would continue as he is atm whilst being able to have the space to do more of the photo work he wants to.... but that is an aside, lol The growing side of things doesn't phase me but I have no idea re: putting together a bid etc.

So what to do.... I daren't write it off



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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 05 11:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow that sounds fantastic. Can't offer any advice Helen, but good luck with it, it sounds idyllic


Joined: 15 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 05 12:27 pm    Post subject: Re: Advice wanted on rental opp. Reply with quote

Helen_A wrote:
... you have to bid for the tenancy and I do not have the first idea how to go about it.

WHAT to bid, is up to you, but I'd be trying to find out what "bids" they may have turned down, (or even if they'd had any...)

HOW is going to depend on the Landlord, the Council. They may want things in writing, possibly on their forms, with evidence of funds, etc - its up to them. If there's nothing on their website. Just ask them!
They may even have a formal closing date for bids. Just ask about *their* process as applied to that property!
I'm sure they'll be helpful.
But it is quite probable that a Council will want something more formal than an Estate Agent asking for "offers".


Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 05 1:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What kind of advice do you need, I'm sure we'll do our best for you.


Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 1548
Location: MK, Bucks.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 05 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you all for responding

We've dumped this idea as of Friday

Mainly because we finally dug a ball park figure out of the council - and it was nearly twice what we were advised by the local NFU was a viable/market rent.... We've come to the sad conclusion that what they are looking for is a nice rich family who will keep horses and not partake in any messy agriculture (because as an equestrian property it would be around what they are asking for!!). That it doesn't have any space that could be turned into a sand school or anything like that..... well go figure.

Once again, thank you all for being willing Off to plan B! (which is to buy an ordinary house and rent/buy a field nearby but not with the house....)



Joined: 15 Jan 2005
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Location: South Kent
PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 05 7:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Helen_A wrote:
We've come to the sad conclusion that what they are looking for is a nice rich family who will keep horses and not partake in any messy agriculture (because as an equestrian property it would be around what they are asking for!!).

Personally, I'd think that "Nice rich families" with equestrian ambitions tend to want to *buy* places, rather than rent them.
I'd say there can't be any harm in sticking in an offer (with approprate "subject to's)". And then *do* make sure that the Council gives you some written acknowledgement - so that that Dept cannot deny your interest to their overlords.


Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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Location: Essex
PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 05 9:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good advice Dougal, agree that someone with serious wonga is unlikely to want to rent.

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