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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 09 3:53 pm    Post subject: Raw Sushi Reply with quote

Azura Sky made this for us at the foody weekend

You'll need:
Packet of Sheet Nori Seaweed
1 avocado
Alfalfa sprouts
Salt or Liquid Aminos (lovely salty liquid with no salt at all, available from Engevita)
Sharp Knife

Take a sheet of nori and flatten it out.
Scoop half of a soft avocado onto the top half of the nori and smoosh it with a fork.
Place strips of cucumber along the top edge.
Sprinkle alfalfa sprouts all along the smooshed avocado.
Drizzle liberal amounts of lemon juice.
Add a dash or two of Braggs Aminos.
Roll up by tucking the start of the nori under the cucumber and roll all the way down. The fatter it is, the easier it is to roll so you may like to add more avocado or some strips of other veg like pepper or celery.
When it's very wet it's difficult to cut, so you need it damp or it won't stick - but not really wet. A sharp knife can really help though. Cut into five pieces.

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 09 3:55 pm    Post subject: Weekend Chocolate Pudding with surprise Ingredient. Reply with quote

Another of Azura's raw food recipes.

3 bananas
1 tsp carob powder (2 if it's a lighter carob) Or raw chocolate powder.
1 big tbs dark tahini
3 tbs raisins/dates
handful of spinach leaves

Blend in a food processor until creamy smooth. Add some more raisins for some chewy bits
(Spinach is an extremely creamy leaf!)

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 09 3:56 pm    Post subject: Banana And Spinach Pudding. Reply with quote

Another of Azura's raw food recipes.

3 bananas
handful spinach leaves

Blend in a processor. This is lovely and creamy (you can taste how creamy the spinach is much more in this recipe than you would in the chocolate one)
Sprinkle on some raisins for extra sweetness


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 09 3:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How many people would these serve?

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 09 4:01 pm    Post subject: Banana, Lemon and Avocado Pudding. Reply with quote

Another of Azura's raw food recipes.

(a heavier, thicker pudding).

3 bananas
half a ripe avocado
1 tbsp raisins.
2 tbsp lemon juice.

Blend really well in a food processor. Serve with a drizzle of lemon.

Downsizer Moderator

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Location: Devon
PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 09 4:06 pm    Post subject: Wild Garlic Hummus Reply with quote

By Gil

1 tin chick peas
juice of 1 lemon [or more if you like]
2 cloves garlic, peeled and roughly chopped [or more if you like]
olive oil - about 5 fl oz
2 dessertspoonfuls of tahini [or more if you like]
a handful of wild garlic leaves [or more if you like]
either more olive oil, or lemon juice, or water to make it runny enough for the blender to cope
a touch of chilli powder, if you like
ground black pepper

Put everything in the blender / liquidiser and whizzz till smooth

Edited to add : for ordinary hummus at times of year when wild garlic is not in season, just make it without.
I like to add a teaspoon of paprika to mine, and half a teaspoon of chilli powder [optional again].
You could also use chives in it

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 09 4:07 pm    Post subject: Nettle Soup Reply with quote

by Gil
(serves 2 )
1 small colander-ful of nettle tops, rinsed
1 medium-sized potato, boiled and chopped
2 medium onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic
wild garlic leaves if available [optional]
1 pint water
oil for cooking
juice of half a lemon [optional]
ground black pepper
grated nutmeg

Sweat the onion till soft
Add garlic, sweat for a minute or so more
Add nettles and cook for a few minutes
Add wild garlic and wilt down
Put in liquidiser with chopped potato, lemon juice, and half a pint of cold water, whizz till smooth
Put back into pan with rest of water and heat up again
Add nutmeg and black pepper

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 09 4:25 pm    Post subject: Mahamri (Coconut yeast bread) Reply with quote

Everyone absolutely loved these when Minamoo made them at the foody weekend.

1.5 kg plain flour
1 block coconut milk
1 flat tsp yeast
3 cups water
1 1/4 cup sugar
1tsp crushed cardamom seeds (you can add more cardamom if you like)

Melt the coconut block in one cup of hot water. Once melted, blend it up and sieve it, reserving the coconut bits (or chicha as we call them). This is your thick coconut milk or tui zito. Repeat the blending twice with the rest of the chicha until you have three cups of coconut milk of pregressive thickness.

Activate yeast with some sugar, water and flour and leave till frothy.

Blend flour with yeast mixture, cardamom and the rest of the sugar. then add the thick tui. Add thin tui slowly to it until it forms a soft dough. It may need a little more liquid, in which case add milk. Knead thoroughly and leave to rise till doubled, then knock back and make into balls. Those of you who came along to watch this process will know exactly how it's done but for everyone else, separate the dough into balls about the size of a mandarin. knead them individually then roll into a ball shape. Do this for all of the dough. Then roll them out so they're little circles about 4 to 5mm thick, cut into quarters and leave to rise under a damp tea towel. Once risen, deep fry in hot oil by gently sliding them in along the edge of the wok so you don't splash hot oil on yourself. If they go pimply, the oil is too hot so turn it down. If the mahamri don't bob to the surface within about 10 to 15 seconds the oil isn't hot enoough. A small piece of mahamri dough put in the oil will bob immediately to the surface

Delicious stuffed with Tahir's curried eggs (which funnily enough is the only way we do our breakfast scrambled eggs!), any sort of curry, stuffed with bhajias or hot with some butter in. If you're in a rush to eat it, you can add more yeast to it and it will rise faster. You can tell when the triangles are ready for frying when they have risen about half their size again upwards.

Downsizer Moderator

Joined: 22 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 09 4:26 pm    Post subject: Kuku wa ku paka (barbequed chicken with a coconut glaze) Reply with quote

Another wonderful Swahilian recipe by Minamoo

Kuku wa ku paka (barbequed chicken with a coconut glaze)

Chicken cut up into pieces with the bones left in (we tend to do wings, thighs, drumticks, breat cut into 2, back cut into 2 and neck)

1st marinade:

green chillies
A little lime juice (optional)

Blend up the chillies (with the seeds and white vein removed if you don't want it to be hot and still in there if you want it hot,) with the garlic, salt pepper and lime juice (I used half a lime for about 5/6 chickens so it really isn't necessary). Coat the chicken with this marinade and leave for as long as you want.

Get your coals (or oven) ready then cook the chicken pieces until they are almost completely cooked. You have to make sure that there isn't that much cooking time left or the chicken won't cook completely before the second marinade is cooked, and left on too long you will end up with very dry pieces of chicken.

Marinade 2:

This is the bit where things get a bit tricky.........Mum gave me no quantities so I'll tell you roughly how much I used and you can play with it from there. The important thing is to get the balance between the coconut milk and the tamarind. It should be slightly tart, you should be able to feel a subtle heat from the chilli powder (or intense flame if that's what you want! ), you should be able to slightly taste the turmeric, and you should be able to just taste the garlic and onion.

1/2 Coconut milk block, chopped up (I used 2 blocks for 5/6 chickens so I suggest 1/2 a block for 1 or 2 chickens, 1 blocks for 2 large or three normal sized chickens, and so on)

1/2 tsp turmeric

1/4 to 1/2 of the "Blue Dragon" brand tamarind paste that Tahir used and is in one of the pictures from the weekend. We use whole tamarind normally and this would be great too. I don't know the quantities though as I would just put int "enough"

Chilli powder (as much or as little as you want. If you don't want it to be too hot add loads of paprika but still put some chilli powder as it's important for the balance.)

1/2 a finely chopped onion

2 or 3 medium sized garlic cloves, crushed (you can add 1 more if you like or if they're really small ones.)

Put all these ingredients ina heavy pot and cook on a low heat while stirring and adding enough water to make a reasonably thick paste to coat the chicken with. Sort of like greek yoghurt consistency but possibly a little thicker. It's important not to cook it on a high heat or it will curdle and won't taste as nice.

Baste the nearly cooked chicken with this marinade and continue to cook until it has dried and formed a coating on the chicken.

Downsizer Moderator

Joined: 22 Oct 2006
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Location: Devon
PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 09 4:28 pm    Post subject: Tango (pumpkin in coconut milk) Reply with quote

By Minamoo

2 butternut squashes (You can use pumpkin but butternut squash is yummier. You could also do this with sweet potatoes, plantains or any kind of squash) Chop out the flesh and cut it into pieces about 2 inches big.

1tsp (heaped) crushed cardamom seeds

about 1 cup sugar

1/2 to 1 block of coconut milk (depending on your tastes) chopped up and dissolved in as little water as possible

Put all ingredients into a pot , cover and cook on low heat for about 10 minutes. Uncover and you will see that the squash has released tons of water into the pot. Cook uncovered till the liquid has reduced to a thick paste. Serve warm.

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