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Singer Hand Sewing Machine

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nature's child

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 05 12:38 pm    Post subject: Singer Hand Sewing Machine Reply with quote

Please can someone help, I have recently acquired a very old singer sewing machine, hand powered. I've spent ages trying to thread the machine, there just appears to be so many ways in which it can be done, but every time we try the machine out it doesn't work properly (tension on the top thread is to tight because of the way we are threading the cotton).

Pleae can someone out there help me out with instructions.

Nature's Child


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 05 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

See if this helps.
I filmed myself threading mine and tried to post it just now but it wouldn't work, have you a photo of your machine?


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 05 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a site I like and has a good guide to tension adjusting which can be a bit of a black art!

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 05 1:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Also, take a while to go over the whole machine very carefully and de-fluff and oil all the moving parts. You'll usually find you can get to almost all of them by flipping up the base of the machine on its hinges. A classic problem with really old machines is the shuttle race wearing slightly, and this can cause problems. However, if everything else is really clean and really well oiled, this can be minimised as far as possible. Also check you have a new needle in and that its sitting properly. I know none of this is really tension, but it all helps make sure the machine works for you

nature's child

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 05 2:07 pm    Post subject: Singer Reply with quote

Thanks Nora for the links, I think it may help if I get the machine in front of the computer instead of running back and forth. Sally, good idea the machine is a little dirty and could do with cleaning anyway so a bit of maintenance now will save me a lot of time and frustration in the future.

I don't have a picture at the moment, it's really old and is the hand version it has a picture of the Sphnx (don't know if that's how you spell it) on the front. It has the original accessories box with loads of bits in that to be honest I don't know what to do with, so much more complicated than my modern machine. My son is coming round later to set my digital up on the computer I will try and get a picture of it on the site.

In the meantime I think I'll be kept rather busy.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 05 2:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

is your machine one of these?

nature's child

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 05 3:50 pm    Post subject: Singer Reply with quote

It's very like the one with the Sphinx on but the top tension discs are at the back not the front.

nature's child

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 05 3:51 pm    Post subject: Singer Reply with quote

Sorry, to mention it but it doesn't have the cord attached to the wheel either it just has the hand lever that folds out.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 05 9:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do the old shuttle machines have tension adjustment on the bobbin case like my more modern machine?When the lower tension is too lose sometimes I need to adjust the screw on the bobbin case a 1/4 turn to correct it.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 05 4:04 pm    Post subject: Re: Singer Hand Sewing Machine Reply with quote

nature's child wrote:
Please can someone help, I have recently acquired a very old singer sewing machine, hand powered. I've spent ages trying to thread the machine, there just appears to be so many ways in which it can be done, but every time we try the machine out it doesn't work properly (tension on the top thread is to tight because of the way we are threading the cotton).

Pleae can someone out there help me out with instructions.

Nature's Child

Did you manage to get it to work?


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 05 4:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is this site any help?


Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 05 4:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

tahir wrote:
Is this site any help?


Was that already on your favourites, or did you google some bizarre combination of words?


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 05 4:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sean wrote:
Was that already on your favourites, or did you google some bizarre combination of words?

Not telling


PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 05 7:32 am    Post subject: Instructions Reply with quote

Hi there,
I bought one of these for �15 from an antique shop and it works like a dream, it had the original box for the bobbins with it and (here's the important bit) the original 1928 instruction booklet!

I love this machine so much, it can't do backwards or zigzag but it has never gone wrong, unlike my old electric one with which I had so much bother I decided to freecycle it and get a oldie, and I have never looked back.

Mine is a 1928 model No. 28, if yours is the same I can photocopy and post some instructions if you like (the diagrams really help).

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