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Blue Peter
Joined: 21 Mar 2005 Posts: 2400 Location: Milton Keynes
Blue Peter
Joined: 21 Mar 2005 Posts: 2400 Location: Milton Keynes
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Blue Peter
Joined: 21 Mar 2005 Posts: 2400 Location: Milton Keynes
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Blue Peter
Joined: 21 Mar 2005 Posts: 2400 Location: Milton Keynes
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Treacodactyl Downsizer Moderator
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wellington womble
Joined: 08 Nov 2004 Posts: 15051 Location: East Midlands
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 05 7:59 pm Post subject: |

That sounds rather a lot, treac. I heard somewhere (I think it was Monty Don) that you can keep yourself in heating if you have 1 acre of coppiced ash trees. Having said that, it got to be very variable, as in how many rooms you're heating, and how much heat you want - Are you out with your oxen ploughing fields all day, and only want a couple of hours in the evening!? - or on insulation etc etc etc.
I guess we go through a half shedful (6 x 10) a year, but the fire isn't our only heating, and is only alight about 50 percent of the time, Ocotber to March. We don't cook on it either....., but even if you allow say, 5 times that, I reckon we're only talking in numbers of a handful of trees still, I know there are differnet stages of copppice, and not all be be mature at once, but it still seems like an acre or two would do it.
Mind you, I have absolutely no aspirations to be self-sufficient, although I would like one day to be able to produce all of my meat, and the majority of its food, and my veg. Not this year, though  |
Blue Peter
Joined: 21 Mar 2005 Posts: 2400 Location: Milton Keynes
Joined: 08 Mar 2005 Posts: 1139 Location: Jauche, Duchy of Brabant (Bourgogne-ci) and Charolles, Duchy of Burgundy (Bourgogne-�a)
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 05 10:27 am Post subject: |

Blue Peter wrote: |
Or, more sensibly, back in the middle ages, how much land did you have (as a serf),
It is quite amazing what the middle ages serf did not have. Most of our staple fruits and vegetables are of recent origin, either from breeding or from crossing with American species. That's why the peasants mainly lived off bread and beer. The large number of modern species and varieties, not to mention greenhouses and cloches, makes us less dependent of agriculture now than ever before.
Of course, our hypothetical family would still need to buy greenhouses.
And on another thought, how do you make a polytunnel without oil? |
Blue Peter
Joined: 21 Mar 2005 Posts: 2400 Location: Milton Keynes