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Downsizer shop ideas?
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Joined: 02 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 4:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is there a simple way of pooling our resources through a Downsizer Shop? Not really sure how it might work, or whether there'd be enough interest. Do we have enough people here trading, and a wide enough variety of product?

Any views?

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 4:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

RoryD wrote:
Is there a simple way of pooling our resources through a Downsizer Shop? Not really sure how it might work, or whether there'd be enough interest. Do we have enough people here trading, and a wide enough variety of product?

Any views?

There is actually a certain logic to that idea. But and it's a big but, we had been looking at various ways of "formalising" downsizer as an entity. Front runner at the moment is a "club" a simple structure that would we hope allow us to do a bit of "merchandising" namely we are seeking to get "downsizer" bags to help reduce carrier bag use. The idea is/was that it would all be kept nicely and clearly a non profit set up, that would not attract inland revenue attention.

I think if we were to operate a shop on behalf of our members, things would get a lot "heavier". It would stretch the club idea to breaking point, and also IMHO probably stretch the volenteer nature of the site to beyond what is reasonable as well.

But then this is all of our members "downsizer". A site that is here with the aim of helping all these little businesses trade effectively. We should not be blind to how the "downsizer" idea may evolve, and a shop is despite a lot of obvious issues, a pretty good idea.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think a Downsizer 'umbrella' shop is a fantastic idea - its something I'd be more than willing to build/co-ordinate/manage on an ongoing basis (ecommerce is my area of expertise - I build online shops for a living).

It's something I've mentioned a couple of times via PM to Tahir - as a result my understanding is that a Downsizer shop is a possibility, but the time isn't right just yet. Is that the general consensus?


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 5:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lets see what people think. I know that we need to do something to kick start the trading part of the site, not sure we're quite ready for something like a Downsizer "shopping mall" just yet though.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 5:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think there would be many more problems if "Downsizer" became a shop. How do you divide the money up, how much do you pay someone to do the work, who's liable if something goes wrong etc.

I think providing a knowledge base and a very good net presence is the best way to help people at the moment and encourage people to advertise their products in the forum and main site.

At the moment it's taking a while for people just to advertise here, but as we grow I think more people will especially as it's free!

Of course, this is only my opinion and everyone has their say.

By the way, if anyone wishes to place an advert they can be emailed to: [email protected]


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 5:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Treacodactyl wrote:
I think there would be many more problems if "Downsizer" became a shop.

The discussion I had with boo (if I remember correctly) was to set up an umbrella trading format where people can sort of have mini sites, we just provide the shopfront. A bit like eBay shops, how easy that is to administer I have no idea.

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 5:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is it worth splitting this thead so a shop idea doesn't get lost? If so I can do it.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 6:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Probably a good idea, could you?

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 6:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it seems to have worked!

Anyone have any other ideas on this subject. Pros/Cons/Concerns?

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 6:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jema wrote:
Treacodactyl wrote:
I think there would be many more problems if "Downsizer" became a shop. How do you divide the money up, how much do you pay someone to do the work, who's liable if something goes wrong etc.

Indeed an enormous array of pretty heavy issues

I for one do not feel we are quite ready to spring board quite that distance yet.

But I do see the idea as being entierly in keeping with the underlying ethos of the site.

To me I think the key question would be the economics. It is a very big issue as I see it for a lot of very small traders, just how much overhead there is in running an online shop. I have expressed similar points about hosting and whether we should get involved there?

But a downsizer shop would replace one set of overheads with another. We might be able to generate the volume of trade to get a better charge rate on credit cards for our participants, but unless someone can make a convincing case for the day to day maintanance of a shop being viable on a volenteer basis, then we would have to pass on charges.

I am inclined to the belief therefore, that we would need to be several times bigger and more active in the trading area, for this one to fly.

Remember though, we are several times bigger than we were 6 months ago!

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

tahir wrote:
Treacodactyl wrote:
I think there would be many more problems if "Downsizer" became a shop.

The discussion I had with boo (if I remember correctly) was to set up an umbrella trading format where people can sort of have mini sites, we just provide the shopfront. A bit like eBay shops, how easy that is to administer I have no idea.

Mini sites would be quite easy. I had been thinking along the lines of letting member create sites like:


With a bit of work and the volenteers here, we could provide very cheap hosting of very little sites.

Albeit not full fledged sites like:


I suppose ebay shops might be a good thing for us to investigate? As they may be a low overhead solution for our members?


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 6:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There's a lot of options, lets see what the public says, is there a demand for it????


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 6:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I guess I should chip in here with my initial thoughts. As I see it, (and as with most things) there are various options. The 2 I think would be most applicable here are as follows:

1. Create a virtual Downsizers Farmers Market, with individual/seperate Stalls (mini-sites) within it. Whoever wants to have their own dedicated 'Stall' pays a small monthly subscription for the service (approx �5?) to cover ongoing maintenance costs, and are wholly responsible for their own mini-site - they stock it themselves, handle payments themselves, process orders themselves etc.

2. Create a single, more generic Downsizer shop, which could follow a standard dropshipping model. For example, lets say Member XYZ has 2 sheepskins to sell. Member XYZ sends a quick email to the shop manager and provides details of the sheepskins and the price she wants for them. The shop manager then adds the new product details to the Downsizer shop. A customer then comes along and places an order (and pays!) for a sheepskin. Once the payment has been received, the Shop Manager sends the order details to XYZ, along with the money due. XYZ then sends out the sheepskin to the customer.

Sounds a bit complex I know, but in practice it works fantastically well - it provides an easily accessible way for start-up traders to sell online with no overheads. Also its ideal for people who only have something to sell once in a while. And of course, reputation is everything - the Downsizer shop has complete control over what is and isn't stocked, so they system is not open to abuse.

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 6:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I like the idea of being able to buy a reusable bag with the Downsizer logo on it


Joined: 06 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 6:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jema wrote:
I had been thinking along the lines of letting member create sites like:


Yep, thats just what I had in mind

jema wrote:
I suppose ebay shops might be a good thing for us to investigate? As they may be a low overhead solution for our members?

But why? Why kick it ouside to ebay? Between all us downsizer lot, we have the skills to create everything we need inhouse. It IS possible to trade successfully online for next to no oveheads anyway, without getting involved with ebay fees on top.

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