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Topic: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Replies: 29
Views: 38173
Forum: Poultry Posted: Fri May 23, 14 6:42 am Subject: Young Cockerel free to good home |
well they certainly look happy!
Nice house for them - did you position the house in a certain direction? Have heard they don't like the wind etc. |
Topic: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Replies: 29
Views: 38173
Forum: Poultry Posted: Tue May 20, 14 10:55 am Subject: Young Cockerel free to good home |
be good to see - have been dropping hints to my dad as he made the sheep shelter and they love it - looking for a similar thing for the pigs - was thinking of wood as have heard traditional metal ones ... |
Topic: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Replies: 29
Views: 38173
Forum: Poultry Posted: Tue May 20, 14 10:36 am Subject: Young Cockerel free to good home |
To Nick - actually have really enjoyed having chickens - never thought I would was much more interested in having ducks - however the chickens we've had really do get under your skin and are a real pa ... |
Topic: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Replies: 29
Views: 38173
Forum: Poultry Posted: Tue May 20, 14 10:26 am Subject: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Tania, I know what a veggie can't do with pigs but don't know what a veggie would actually do with them. They're super animals to keep but they do tend to get bigger and bigger unti,l even the so call ... |
Topic: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Replies: 29
Views: 38173
Forum: Poultry Posted: Tue May 20, 14 5:59 am Subject: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Thanks to you both.
Don't worry about any of the comments - I can give as good as I get - and besides it is their opinion which is neither right or wrong.
My thought is if I decide to bring somethin ... |
Topic: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Replies: 29
Views: 38173
Forum: Poultry Posted: Mon May 19, 14 7:50 pm Subject: Young Cockerel free to good home |
I'm sorry Tania, I regret writing that in this thread. It was petty of me. I agree with you. I see no reason why you shouldn't enjoy keeping hens or anything in fact and you are obviously doing it in ... |
Topic: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Replies: 29
Views: 38173
Forum: Poultry Posted: Mon May 19, 14 7:41 pm Subject: Young Cockerel free to good home |
I've got a job to do at the moment, which I've been putting off.
This year, I've bred some LF Anconas, my eldest batch are a couple of months old. Its very easy to see which ones are the cockerels ... |
Topic: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Replies: 29
Views: 38173
Forum: Poultry Posted: Mon May 19, 14 7:31 pm Subject: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Thanks for all your replies!
No offense caused - yes am a veggie and whether chicken is a meat or not - well that's another debate - however don't eat it either way.
As for don't hatch if you can't ... |
Topic: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Replies: 29
Views: 38173
Forum: Poultry Posted: Tue May 13, 14 7:21 pm Subject: Young Cockerel free to good home |
If you can't re-home them you could eat them, that's what I do with my excess males, especially as they are not any particular breed. If you read up on it despatching them humanely at home is quite ea ... |
Topic: Ducklings |
Replies: 6
Views: 7365
Forum: Poultry Posted: Tue May 13, 14 2:16 pm Subject: Re: Ducklings |
No, no photos as I haven't got any. My sister however fancies some bantam sized ones. Miniature appleyard, Call ducks? She has quite a large suburban garden and her neighbours are already used to h ... |
Topic: Shell-less Eggs |
Replies: 6
Views: 7553
Forum: Poultry Posted: Tue May 13, 14 2:10 pm Subject: Shell-less Eggs |
I have had the same thing - one has been doing it for a while - also normal looking wind eggs (no yolk) - have been trying a calcium supplement in their water - has helped with one of them. If it stop ... |
Topic: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Replies: 29
Views: 38173
Forum: Poultry Posted: Tue May 13, 14 2:03 pm Subject: Young Cockerel free to good home |
Hatched out 12 eggs in Feb and need to rehome a couple of boys either together if you have space or to separate homes - they were born 5th Feb and are nice natured and thriving - would love to keep as ... |
Topic: Gluten free bread |
Replies: 30
Views: 26056
Forum: Recipes, Preserving, Homebrewing Posted: Tue Jan 22, 13 10:18 am Subject: Re: Gluten free bread |
You said you get headaches and heartburn if you eat genius - maybe it is not just gluten that is the problem and it is some kind of 'preservative they add in?
Yes, I would much prefer to make my ... |
Topic: Gluten free bread |
Replies: 30
Views: 26056
Forum: Recipes, Preserving, Homebrewing Posted: Thu Jan 17, 13 1:46 pm Subject: Re: Gluten free bread |
anyone got a tasty, tried and tested gluten free bread recipe I could have?
getting fed up with crumbly tasteless stuff
I buy gluten free as Wheat tends to make my stomach hurt and bloat (wa ... |
Topic: What Veg/herb/salad do you want to buy as plants to grow on? |
Replies: 7
Views: 7248
Forum: Grow Your Own Posted: Thu Jan 17, 13 1:41 pm Subject: What Veg/herb/salad do you want to buy as plants to grow on? |
I am looking to grow a few of the more interesting stuff - have brought a few packets from James Wongs new book - home grown revolution.
I love herbs - normal and unusal varieties.
Also going to try ... |