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Outside light

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Joined: 27 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 18 9:38 am    Post subject: Outside light Reply with quote

I'm looking at fitting an outside light. One of those ones that come on when someone walks up to the door.

Does anyone know if I'm okay to pick up a permanent live from a plug socket or should I really pick it up from a light switch?



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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 18 10:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The only difference, surely, is the ampage of the fuse. I've run lights indoors from plug sockets for years with no problems, but you might want to stick with the lower rating for outdoor applications.



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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 18 11:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

it should be fed from the lighting circuit
the light fitting nearest the new light is probably the place to take the feed from, however due to structural stuff it can sometimes be easier to find a route back from the location of the new light and go hunting for the light nearest to it to avoid lots of drilling etc etc
it needs it's own switch indoors as well as the pir (bulb changing etc etc )
make sure the back plate seals to the wall ( i seal the cable in the hole through the wall with silicone ) and that all electricals are fit to pass a certification

if in dought have a look at the 17th ed regs or get a spark in

Ty Gwyn

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 18 3:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Would have thought from a light junction box would be the way to go.


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 18 4:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks all.

I was just wanting to be lazy. Where the switch needs to go there is a socket further down the wall but I'll pick it up from the light switch that is about 6 foot away.


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 18 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

have a look at the latest 17th ed, iirc it has several acceptable ways to spur a new 500w outside light and switch from an existing lighting circuit.

it also has zoning and routing of cable guides

such a job is within diy capabilities but do you have an sds and long bit to go through the outside wall?
are you sure you know how to design and create a spurred light where you need it?
are you meticulous and precise in routing and terminating cable?
is a chat with a spark re them doing the wires etc but you do the routes and making good out of the question? with the route prepared and no making good such a job is at most a couple of hours for a local spark.

my first thought would be can how i get a cable from the nearest light fitting (not a switch). you need feed, return and earth, ie from a light fitting or the cable that feeds a light fitting.

those need various connections to be made somewhere convenient
ps if the consumer unit is nearby it can sometimes be easier to use that .

a junction box in the lighting circuit for the ground floor ie interrupting a wire in the ceiling void will work but it isn't ideal . best practice is to attach directly at a light fitting to the junction blocks (if there is no space use wago connectors TM )

i have just made a major assumption, so now a question. are your existing electrics able to pass inspection ?
if not a good spark will refuse to work on it unless it is to put the problems right first as a cert for one item has to cover their appraisal that is the rest ok.
"my work was fine the rest was a death trap" is no defence for a ticketed spark if they work on a property.

ps even freshly installed top quality lighting circuits are a bit daunting to look at , old ones that are "less than ideal" can be quite challenging to work with

pps a bad job with no certificate is a bit of a problem should you ever need to chat with a loss adjuster

sorry to be a bit brutal but tis well meant

Last edited by dpack on Wed Aug 08, 18 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 18 8:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PPPS if it was my light i would phone a friend but word of mouth and the find a rated tradesman sites can usually source a decent spark fairly easily should one's friend be electrifying hamberg for a few months


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 18 8:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lateral thought can be useful sometimes


Joined: 27 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 18 10:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dpack wrote:

such a job is within diy capabilities but do you have an sds and long bit to go through the outside wall? Yes
are you sure you know how to design and create a spurred light where you need it? Yes
are you meticulous and precise in routing and terminating cable? Yes
is a chat with a spark re them doing the wires etc but you do the routes and making good out of the question? No

i have just made a major assumption, so now a question. are your existing electrics able to pass inspection ? When we bought the house it last had an electrics inspection back in 2007 and I do know that the house had been being rented out.

Thanks for all of that DPack. I think I'll get a sparky in to give me a quote for the work because I'm not sure if I can be bothered lifting floorboards and the likes. I was just thinking a spur off the cabling going to the hallway light switch and then some plastering work but if spurring isn't recommended then I'll leave it to an expert.


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 18 12:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

it seems like you know how to proceed but having seen the price of pv/led ones i recon unless you need always on plug and play might be far better than hard wired to the mains.


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 18 12:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ps a ticket from 2007 may or may not be a reflection of the real condition of the wires/fittings 11 years later

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