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More energy efficient home appliances

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 05 7:08 am    Post subject: More energy efficient home appliances Reply with quote

I feel like I have a big layer of egg on my face today

I have always regarded buying new appliances as they are more efficient than the old ones, as being about as sensible as a 500 mile round trip to the bottle bank

But having finally given up on my 8 year old used and abused dishwasher, after a final fruitless attempt to repair it.

I bought a "triple A" new dishwasher yesterday, and it works better on a low temperature 30 minute cycle than the old one was managing on even an intensive wash

I often feel good that I try and get the last breathe out of things, but as I think this illustrates it can be a bit on the silly side!

wellington womble

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 05 12:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We found that too? Does anyone know how to stop the stupid thing beeping like a maniac for an hour after it finished the wash?


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 05 12:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's a very difficult decision to make. What a pity that things can't be made more of spare parts that could be broken down and reused when a better design was found, or when a fundamental part breaks.

I know you can use the odd part for different things...bowls or cloches from the front of a washing machine and a thing to restrain mint from the wossname that spins the clothes...vegetable stores or propagators or even growing containers from fridges, a la Bob...but you do often wind up with a machine that has some perfectly reusable parts.

In some ways I think this is getting easier with things like Freecycle; on the other hand things like cars seem to be deliberately made less repair-friendly.

I must have a look on t'Internet and see if there's any way of calculating the best move with old appliances...

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