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Joined: 01 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 16 8:24 pm    Post subject: Root and Stem Reply with quote

On one of my rare trips to the supermarket, I picked up the weekend paper that Waitrose kindly provide, along with my delicious free coffee. I usually get it for the sudoku and a quick glance through before using it to light the fire.
This time there was an article about the 'new' root and stem movement, where the object is to use every part of a foodstuff .
For years I have tried to avoid waste of any kind, and with animals and three compost bins nothing 'edible' goes in our dustbin. However I am open to suggestion as I am sure are many of us and if any DSer has any ingenius ways of using every bit of a particular food I would be interested.
To start the ball rolling I use cabbage and broccoli stalks grated in coleslaw etc, I dry and crush egg shells in the hope of deterring slugs, and I freeze undrunk wine, gravy, sauces etc to add to stews, soups etc. I've even dried left over chips and used them as fire lighters - they work remarkably well.
Any other ideas?


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 16 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What on earth are " leftover chips "

Dee J

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 16 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Leftover chips are the mythical accompaniment to the equally mythical leftover wine. I've yet to witness the existence of either.


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 16 10:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

as i now make ginger beer in a 25 litre barrel after the third boil to extract the flavour the pulp from the 500 gm or more of ginger is used to make paper.

separate the small chippings from the fibres in a colander by a wash and use the mostly fibre pulp. sieve onto flyscreen mesh .after a squeeze followed by a wet ironing on a tea towel it makes a reasonably strong closed surface paper about a4 size.

used chip oil makes good firelighters mixed with chainsaw sawdust.

left over tea often goes into fruit wine to drop the acidity by precipitation of tannin/acid salts.

pelts from bunnies squizzers and assorted roadkill get oak gall tanned and are useful for lining hats,making mobile phone cosies etc etc .im planning to experiment with bunny vellum when i get chance.

Rob R

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 16 11:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is long overdue, there's been a move towards people being advised to eat less meat of late, and to pay more for it. This shortsighted idiotic advice means that people who follow it do eat it less often, but when they do they buy steak, as a treat.

We need more campaigns to tell people just to eat whatever is available and to make the most of it.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 16 12:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

derbyshiredowser wrote:
What on earth are " leftover chips "

More to the point, what can you possibly mean by "undrunk wine"?



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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 16 4:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What I don't eat the dogs do, including carrot tops, brocolli stem, apple cores & other miscellaneous F&V trimmings.
If they don't want it I have a worm bin that never rejects anything organic.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 16 4:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rob R wrote:
This is long overdue, there's been a move towards people being advised to eat less meat of late, and to pay more for it. This shortsighted idiotic advice means that people who follow it do eat it less often, but when they do they buy steak, as a treat.

We need more campaigns to tell people just to eat whatever is available and to make the most of it.
Calling people idiots will rarely make you friends in my humble opinion.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 16 7:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

On a similar vein - Im trying to find uses for another of things...

half a pack of Nesquick choc milk (yuk)
Steradent tablets (dont even ask why I have these)


I have heard that steradent are good for taking stains out of things...what things?

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 16 7:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The trouble for producers of meat is that if everyone wants steak, chops and joints, what do they do with the other bits. I can't claim to be brilliant on that front, but at least I know how to cook some of the offal.

Not sure you can really use things like roots of most things that grow above the soil, although you can use the leaves of some root crops, although not potatoes.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 16 8:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lorrainelovesplants wrote:
On a similar vein - Im trying to find uses for another of things...

half a pack of Nesquick choc milk (yuk)
Steradent tablets (dont even ask why I have these)


I have heard that steradent are good for taking stains out of things...what things?

Tea cups and coffee cups, allegedly. (And false teeth! )


Rob R

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 16 9:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tavascarow wrote:
Rob R wrote:
This is long overdue, there's been a move towards people being advised to eat less meat of late, and to pay more for it. This shortsighted idiotic advice means that people who follow it do eat it less often, but when they do they buy steak, as a treat.

We need more campaigns to tell people just to eat whatever is available and to make the most of it.
Calling people idiots will rarely make you friends in my humble opinion.

I aren't calling anyone an idiot, please don't misquote me. Idiotic doesn't mean 'that person is an idiot' and neither is it referring to anyone, it refers to the advice which, whatever you call it (I meant thoughtless, hence the use of the word shortsighted) is having the opposite effect & creating a more wasteful culture.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 16 10:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lorrainelovesplants wrote:
On a similar vein - Im trying to find uses for another of things...

half a pack of Nesquick choc milk (yuk)
Steradent tablets (dont even ask why I have these)


I have heard that steradent are good for taking stains out of things...what things?

steredent are ace for cleaning the inside of brewing tubes ,odd shaped bits of crockery ,the guinea pig water bottles etc etc etc


Joined: 13 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 16 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sure most people here know about eating beetroot leaves.
I also think the best flavour of a leek is in the green tops.
Garlic leaves are equally good.
Chive bulbs as tiny spring onions.
Dry bits of bread blended and frozen for breadcrumbs later.
Rosemary stalks for kebab sticks.
You can use the whole of the coriander plant (if washed).
Dog gets all the cabbage/cauli/brocolli stalks.

I am also baffled by the concept of leftover wine.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 16 12:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lorrainelovesplants wrote:
On a similar vein - Im trying to find uses for another of things...

half a pack of Nesquick choc milk (yuk)
Steradent tablets (dont even ask why I have these)


I have heard that steradent are good for taking stains out of things...what things?

Tupperware containers that have discoloured as a result of hotting things up in them in the microwave.

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